Tom Keifer 09/08/2016 - Green Bay Distillery - Ashwaubenon, WI

Although a Thursday night might not be the best time to catch a live show, that didn't stop the 500+ in attendance from highly enjoying the Tom Keifer concert at the Green Bay Distillery on September 8th, 2016. Not only did music lovers get to hear the many Cinderella hits, they also were treated to great music from the two opening acts.

If you're a rock fan and have been living in Northeastern Wisconsin for the past few years, there's a good chance that you've already seen Bad Habitz perform. For their young age, they've already been around the block a time or two and have opened for many national acts such as Hinder, Buckcherry, Lita Ford, Sebastian Bach (Skid Row) and Kip Winger. This trio will surprise you with not only how young they are but also how hard they rock. This band is one to watch! It will be interesting to see how far they can go in the years to come.

Consult The Briefcase hit the stage hard and gave a blistering set. Their look, their sound and over-all vibe is classic rock. The crowd responded very well to their bluesy style, especially when they covered the Who and Led Zeppelin. Lead singer Paul Becker gives off a great retro vibe as his soulful vocals filled the Distillery. If they would have been around in the 70's they would have been HUGE. I highly enjoyed their set.

It's only been about a year since Tom Keifer performed in Green Bay last, but you wouldn't have known it by the crowds response. As his band worked through the great catalog of Cinderella hits, they also played a few from his solo release 'The Way Life Goes'. Tom sounded in fine form, especially considering he previously suffered from paralysis of the left vocal cord and had multiple surgeries to correct it.


Tom's backing band was amazing. I was REALLY impressed with guitarist Tony Higbee. He played like he was in front of 10,000 people and really gave it his all. I was also surprised to see Paul Taylor of Winger on keyboards. As much as I would love to see all four members of Cinderella on the stage, this band kicked ass and sounded great!


For me, the highlight of the night was when Tom sat down to the piano and gave a heartfelt performance of the classic 'Don't Know What You Got' with his wife Savannah Snow. The encore, 'Gypsy Road', was a great fair tale-like ending to a night of incredible performances.

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